Step 1 - Configure SSO in AUTH0

  • Log in to AUTH0 developer console

  • Go to Dashboard > Applications > Applications and create a new application.

  • Provide a name and select Requalr Web Application. Click on Create button to create a new application.

  • Select the Addons tab.

  • Enable the SAML2 Web App toggle.

  • On the Settings tab, enter the Application Callback URL to which the SAML assertions should be sent after Auth0 has authenticated the user(Replace this with your actual URL). Copy the nameIdentifierProbes for name and email. Scroll to the bottom of the tab and click Enable.

  • Click on the Usage tab to view the information that you need to configure the service provider application. Copy the issuer, Identity Provider Login URL, and download Identity Provider Metadata.

Step 2 - Configure AUTH0 Details in CloudIO

  • Login to CloudIO and navigate to the settings tab

  • Select SAML Auth provider and configure the below details from Step 1

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