Step 1 - Configure SSO in AZURE AD

  • Log in to the Azure portal.

  • Go to Enterprise Applications and click Add a New Application, and then click on Create your own application.

  • Set the app name you want, and check the Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery option, and click on Create.

  • On the Applications Overview page, click on the Set up single sign-on card then choose SAML as the single sign-on method.

  • On the Basic SAML Configuration section, enter the identifier and reply URL, and click on Save.

    • Identifier (Entity ID)

    • Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)

  • On the Attributes & Claims section, click on the Edit link.

  • Copy the name and email claim attribute names.

  • On the SAML Signing Certificate and Setup sections, download the Federation Metadata XML and copy the Login URL to be used on the CloudIO Setup page.

  • Go to Users and Groups on the left side menu to assign the users or groups that should have access to CloudIO.

Step 2 - Configure Azure SSO in CloudIO

  • Login to CloudIO and navigate to the settings tab.

  • Select SAML Auth provider and configure the below details from Step 1

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