Sample Scripts


Use Logger instead of the console. Log messages will appear in the Debug Console under the Server Logs tab.


Debug Console must be open in order for the messages to appear.

Fetching Multiple Records from a DataSource

const records = await db.find("DataSourceName", {
  filter: [
    { name: { sw: "Steve" } },
    { joinDate: { after: new Date().toISOString() } },
    { amount: { eq: 123 } },
  limit: 20,

Fetching a Single Record from a DataSource

const record = await db.findOne("DataSourceName", {
  filter: [{ empId: { eq: 101 } }],

Inserting a Record

const newRow = {...};
const insertedRow = await db.insertOne("DataSourceName", newRow);

Inserting Multiple Records

const rows = [{...}, {...}];
const insertedRows = await db.insertMany("DataSourceName", rows);

Number of calls to the above functions are limited to 100 from within a single execution of a Server Side Script or Cloud Function.

If you want to insert more than 100 rows in a single execution, always use db.insertMany(...) instead of multiple db.insertOne(...) calls.

Duplicating a Record

const dbRow = await db.findOne("DataSourceName", {
  filter: [{ headerId: { eq: 101 } }],

const newRow = utils.toNewRow(dbRow); // this will remove all WHO columns and other internal keys
delete newRow.headerId; // remove fields that are auto populated by the platform
const insertedRow = await db.insertOne("DataSourceName", newRow);

Throwing a Functional Error

rows.forEach((row) => {
  if (row.someField === "invalid") {
    throw new UserError(`Some Field is invalid ${row.someField}!`);

Calling an external REST Service

const resp = await db.fetch('', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: JSON.stringify({ message: 'Hi there!' })
const jsonResponse = resp.json();

Executing SQL Queries

const result = await db.executeQuery( // returns Record<string, unknown>[]
                 `SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE
                   WHERE SOME_COLUMN = ?`,

const value = await db.queryString( // returns string | undefined
                 `SELECT 'Some string value'`,

await db.executeUpdate(
                   WHERE SOME_COLUMN = ?`,
                 ['X', 'Y']

Awaiting for all Promises to completion

rows.forEach(async (row) => {
    // make async calls for each row
    await db.someAsyncFn(...);
// this code will exit even before all the above promises are resolved
const collectedResponse = await Promise.all( (row) => {
    // make async calls for each row
    await db.someAsyncFn(...);
    return "someThing";
// this code will wait for all the promises to be resolved before exiting

Sending User Notification

const roleCode = "myRole";
const empId = 123;
const subject = 'Hi there!';
// notification body can be formatted with Markdown or basic HTML tags
const body = `#### h4
##### h5
###### h6

A sample paragraph...

Don't put tabs or spaces in front of your paragraphs.

First line with two spaces after.  
And the next line.

First line with the HTML tag after.<br>
And the next line.

> Quote

Some **bold** *italic* ***bold italic*** text...

Alerts: alert_warning, alert_info, alert_success, alert_error

A warning alert...!

Unordered list

- one
- two
- three

Ordered list

1. one
1. two
1. three

Internal link [click here](<#/howto/edit-employee?empId=${empId}&role=${roleCode}&some=new %thing>) to navigate to the employee edit page within the current tab.

Enclose the URL within angular braces <...> to URL encode space, % etc.

External link []( Opens in a new tab.

Render Image

![image alt](


<a href=" great page">link</a>

<img src=""/>

// send the notification

// to a user e.g. admin
await db.notifyUser('admin', subject, body);

// to a set of users e.g. admin, username2
await db.notifyUser(['admin', 'username2'], subject, body);

// to all users assigned to a role
await db.notifyRole('my-app', 'developer', subject, body);

// to all users assigned to a set of roles
await db.notifyRole('my-app', ['administrator', 'developer'], subject, body);

Sending Email

// Text Email
const email = {
                to: '', 
                subject: 'Hi there!', 
                text: 'email body',
await db.sendEmail(email);

// HTML Email
const htmlBody = await db.processMustacheTemplate(templateString, dataObject):
const email = {
                to: '', 
                subject: 'Hi there!', 
                text: 'HTML Only Email',
                html: htmlBody
await db.sendEmail(email);

Triggering Workflow

const wfUid = "..."; // Workflow UID that can be optained from Edit Workflow Panel
const version = 1; // Workflow Version from Edit Workflow Panel
const state = {}; // Any JSON object to set the initial state of the Workflow

await db.startWorkflow(wfUid, version, "Some description", state);

Process Mustache Template String

const output = await db.processMustacheTemplate(templateString, dataObject):

Format Date

const { format } = await import('date-fns');

const formatedDateString = format(new Date(), 'MM/dd/yyyy');

Last updated

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