Similarly use updateOne, updateMany, deleteOne, deleteMany to perform Update or Delete operations
Number of calls to the above functions are limited to 100 from within a single execution of a Server Side Script or Cloud Function.
If you want to insert more than 100 rows in a single execution, always use db.insertMany(...) instead of multiple db.insertOne(...) calls.
Duplicating a Record
const dbRow = await db.findOne("DataSourceName", {
filter: [{ headerId: { eq: 101 } }],
const newRow = utils.toNewRow(dbRow); // this will remove all WHO columns and other internal keys
delete newRow.headerId; // remove fields that are auto populated by the platform
const insertedRow = await db.insertOne("DataSourceName", newRow);
Throwing a Functional Error
rows.forEach((row) => {
if (row.someField === "invalid") {
throw new UserError(`Some Field is invalid ${row.someField}!`);
const result = await db.executeQuery( // returns Record<string, unknown>[]
const value = await db.queryString( // returns string | undefined
`SELECT 'Some string value'`,
await db.executeUpdate(
['X', 'Y']
You can pass true (boolean) as the 3rd parameter to query against the cloudio schema instead of your application schema
Awaiting for all Promises to completion
rows.forEach(async (row) => {
// make async calls for each row
await db.someAsyncFn(...);
// this code will exit even before all the above promises are resolved
const collectedResponse = await Promise.all( (row) => {
// make async calls for each row
await db.someAsyncFn(...);
return "someThing";
// this code will wait for all the promises to be resolved before exiting
Sending User Notification
const roleCode = "myRole";
const empId = 123;
const subject = 'Hi there!';
// notification body can be formatted with Markdown or basic HTML tags
const body = `#### h4
##### h5
###### h6
A sample paragraph...
Don't put tabs or spaces in front of your paragraphs.
First line with two spaces after.
And the next line.
First line with the HTML tag after.<br>
And the next line.
> Quote
Some **bold** *italic* ***bold italic*** text...
Alerts: alert_warning, alert_info, alert_success, alert_error
A warning alert...!
Unordered list
- one
- two
- three
Ordered list
1. one
1. two
1. three
Internal link [click here](<#/howto/edit-employee?empId=${empId}&role=${roleCode}&some=new %thing>) to navigate to the employee edit page within the current tab.
Enclose the URL within angular braces <...> to URL encode space, % etc.
External link []( Opens in a new tab.
Render Image

<a href=" great page">link</a>
<img src=""/>
// send the notification
// to a user e.g. admin
await db.notifyUser('admin', subject, body);
// to a set of users e.g. admin, username2
await db.notifyUser(['admin', 'username2'], subject, body);
// to all users assigned to a role
await db.notifyRole('my-app', 'developer', subject, body);
// to all users assigned to a set of roles
await db.notifyRole('my-app', ['administrator', 'developer'], subject, body);
Sending Email
// Text Email
const email = {
to: '',
subject: 'Hi there!',
text: 'email body',
await db.sendEmail(email);
// HTML Email
const htmlBody = await db.processMustacheTemplate(templateString, dataObject):
const email = {
to: '',
subject: 'Hi there!',
text: 'HTML Only Email',
html: htmlBody
await db.sendEmail(email);
Triggering Workflow
const wfUid = "..."; // Workflow UID that can be optained from Edit Workflow Panel
const version = 1; // Workflow Version from Edit Workflow Panel
const state = {}; // Any JSON object to set the initial state of the Workflow
await db.startWorkflow(wfUid, version, "Some description", state);