Test Automation

CloudIO Platform comes with an inbuilt test automation framework. You can create test scripts to automate the testing of both backend services & frontend UI interactions. Test scripts are written in JavaScript and can be auto-generated via. recording.

The test scripts are similar to Jest with chaijs assertions.

Sample Backend Test Script
/* refer https://www.chaijs.com/api/bdd/ for more assertions */

beforeAll(async () => {
    platform.showInfo("Before all...");

afterAll(async () => {
    platform.showInfo("After all...");

beforeEach(async () => {
    platform.showInfo("Before each...");

afterEach(async () => {
    platform.showInfo("After each...");

test("Query Test", async () => {
    // const rows = await find('Todos', { "filter": [], "limit": 2000, "offset": 0, "sort": { "id": 1 } });
    // expect(rows.length).to.gt(0);
    expect(1 + 1).to.eq(2);

test("Insert Test", async () => {
    // const input = [{ "completed": "N", "fileUid": "01G2T3JJAREESW47ZYTHX43ZPG", "todo": "test test" }];
    // const rows = await insertMany('Todos', input);
    // expect(rows[0].lastUpdateDate).to.not.empty;
    expect(1 + 1).to.eq(2);

test("Dummy Test", async () => {
    // refer https://www.chaijs.com/api/bdd/ for more assertions
    expect(1 + 1).to.eq(2);

Find below the typescript definition for all the inbuilt functions available along with the standard ES2020 JavaScript

    import { WSRequest, WSSuccessResponse, AllDatasources, Query, DBRow } from '@cloudio-saas/datasource-types';
    import { Platform, UIDriver, MultiPostFunction, SinglePostFunction, TestFn, FnWithResult, FnWithResults, TestResult, SQLResult } from 'cloudio';
    type DataSourceName = keyof AllDatasources;
    declare global {
      const platform: Platform;    
      const ui: UIDriver;
      const expect: Chai.ExpectStatic;
      declare function test(name: string, fn: TestFn): void;
      declare function beforeAll(fn: TestFn): void;
      declare function afterAll(fn: FnWithResults): void;
      declare function beforeEach(fn: TestFn): void;
      declare function afterEach(fn: FnWithResult): void;
      declare function post(request: WSRequest, appUid: string): Promise<WSSuccessResponse<any>>;
      declare function find<T extends DataSourceName>(ds: T, request: Query<AllDatasources[T]>): Promise<DBRow<AllDatasources[T]>[]>;      
      const insertMany = MultiPostFunction;
      const updateMany = MultiPostFunction;
      const deleteMany = MultiPostFunction;
      const insertOne = SinglePostFunction;
      const updateOne = SinglePostFunction;
      const deleteOne = SinglePostFunction;
      declare function executeQuery(sql: string): Promise<SQLType>;
      declare function executeUpdate(sql: string): Promise<SQLType>;

Sample Frontend Test Script
/* refer https://www.chaijs.com/api/bdd/ for more assertions */

beforeAll(async () => {
    platform.showInfo("Before all...");

afterAll(async () => {
    platform.showInfo("After all...");

beforeEach(async () => {
    platform.showInfo("Before each...");

afterEach(async () => {
    platform.showInfo("After each...");

test("Sample UI Test", async () => {
  // To navigate to a page
  await ui.page('automation');
  // To select a tab item and ignore if it's already selected
  await ui.click('tabItem1', { skipActive: true });
  // To sort a column in a data grid
  await ui.gridColumnSort('stringColumn2', { direction: 'asc' });
  // To click a button, box, link, etc
  await ui.click('button1');
  // To type a text value in a string column on the 2nd row of a data grid
  await ui.type('stringColumn2', 'test', { row: 2 });
  // To type a number value in a number column on the 1st row of a data grid
  await ui.type('numberColumn1', 123);
  // To type a date value in a date column on the 1st row of a data grid
  await ui.type('dateColumn2', new Date());

  // To check a checkbox on the 1st row of a data grid
  await ui.click("checkboxColumn");

  // To group commands to be performed within a scope e.g. popup
  await ui.scope("popup", async () => {
    // These itemId's are relative to the scope's itemId
    await ui.type('select', 'XYZ');
    await ui.closePopup("popup");

  // To select an option in a radio box by value (not label)
  await ui.type('radioBox', "Y");

  // To type a number value in a number column's header filter of a data grid
  await ui.typeGridHeaderFilter('numberColumn1', '123');

  // To type a smart search number filter
  await ui.typeSmartSearchFilter('smartSearch', 'Number', 'greater than', 123);

  // To check if a notification is displayed with a given message and close it
  await ui.hasNotified('Button clicked!').then(ui.close);

  // To wait for 10 seconds
  await ui.wait(10000);

  // To click any item with data-testid attribute or with a specific selector
  await ui.click({testid: 'search-entries'});


Find below the typescript definition for all the inbuilt functions available along with the standard ES2020 JavaScript

    import { WSRequest, WSSuccessResponse, AllDatasources, Query, DBRow } from '@cloudio-saas/datasource-types';
    import { Platform, UIDriver, MultiPostFunction, SinglePostFunction, TestFn, FnWithResult, FnWithResults, TestResult, SQLResult } from 'cloudio';
    type DataSourceName = keyof AllDatasources;
    declare global {
      const platform: Platform;    
      const ui: UIDriver;
      const expect: Chai.ExpectStatic;
      declare function test(name: string, fn: TestFn): void;
      declare function beforeAll(fn: TestFn): void;
      declare function afterAll(fn: FnWithResults): void;
      declare function beforeEach(fn: TestFn): void;
      declare function afterEach(fn: FnWithResult): void;
      declare function post(request: WSRequest, appUid: string): Promise<WSSuccessResponse<any>>;
      declare function find<T extends DataSourceName>(ds: T, request: Query<AllDatasources[T]>): Promise<DBRow<AllDatasources[T]>[]>;      
      const insertMany = MultiPostFunction;
      const updateMany = MultiPostFunction;
      const deleteMany = MultiPostFunction;
      const insertOne = SinglePostFunction;
      const updateOne = SinglePostFunction;
      const deleteOne = SinglePostFunction;
      declare function executeQuery(sql: string): Promise<SQLType>;
      declare function executeUpdate(sql: string): Promise<SQLType>;


With the record option, you can generate test scripts while navigating through the application flow. Once generated, you can further finetune the script as needed.

Last updated